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Thursday, December 01, 2005


Official review:

Living Things/American Eyes 11/30/2005 Key Club

If sex sells Living Things should be famous by now! Even if their music wasn’t as amazing as it is, Living Things would still be the sexiest band on earth. Vocalist Lillian Berlin walked onto the stage in a fabulous white leather outfit that could give a young Mick Jagger a run for his money. Make that a double run with Lillian’s sexy moves. Unfortunately for the women, Lillian is married to video director Floria Sigismondi, although the way he flirted with the females in the crowd when he lowered himself down to the floor to sing you’d never be able to tell. Luckily the rest of the band, brothers Eve and Bosch Berlin and Corey**, are equally adorable and have their own sexy moves. They opened the set with their Indie 103 single “Bom Bom Bom.” Usually when a (fairly) unknown band opens with their single it’s a crowd killer, but the (far from full house) crowd seemed to be fans that really enjoyed the rest of the songs. Especially the girls. Openers American Eyes also have a way with the ladies, er, girls. Singer David Henry has a gaggle of girls in the front watching his every move and even yelling out lyrics verbatim in silences. Who cares if the music is typical? They’re fun to watch!

My notes:
After AE played I chatted with David for a sec. Turns out they're going out on that Deftones and Thrice tour. Too bad I'm not 14. But, when I was leaving, he said when he's done touring we're hanging out. I was totally smiling the whole way home.


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