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Monday, October 17, 2005

Back Entries!!!!!

I'm not very good at updating, am I?

Backstage Report: Turbonegro @ the Avalon, Friday, October 14, 2005

After being disappointed by the crowd’s under enthusiasm during Turbonegro’s set, I wasn’t expecting to see much at the after party backstage. And I didn’t get much. After taking longer than Interpol to give the go ahead they finally let people into the back room. Too bad we had already been subjected to the infamous Spyder club and it’s horrible thumping bass. No one was really back there thanks to that H.I.M. band playing on the same night. Only Bryan Rabin, formerly of Club Cherry fame. Meh. And the band wasn’t very exciting off stage either. Out of makeup, as most people do, they looked pretty scary. Even Euroboy. And they were pretty low-key. I didn’t see any point in trying to make out with any them so I just left. The best part of the night was seeing Happy Tom outside of the Burgundy Room almost getting in a fight with a big, dread-locked black dude.

Why Tuesday Night Sucks (October 11, 2005)
Opening my email invite to BPM's party at LAX featuring DJ AM (Nicole "ultimate bobblehead doll" Ritchie's fiancee) was pretty exciting. Getting there, waiting in line and then being told the club is at capacity is not exciting. Judging by the crowd that was getting past the velvet rope, maybe not getting in isn't so bad. After the sea of fake boobs, blonde asian chicks, and guys in seersucker jackets, the only person worth mentioning isn't really worth mentioning at all. Seriously, how cool is the guy in American Pie that went to Taradise and back and then dropped off the face of the earth?

Then walking by Rokbar, thinking that could be cool, I remember Methods of Mayhem. My friend is so nauseated by the whole experience she doesn't even want to try and salvage the evening.


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