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Sunday, September 11, 2005

You Poor Thing

I've been neglecting my "child." This blog was supposed to be my pride and joy. My passion. Whoops. Good thing it's not a kid. Sorry, blog.

Anyway, last night I went out with Bunny to a bunch of her hoity toity art stuff. Some of it was cool. I'm sure she'll write about it in her own blog.

After 2 galleries (which thankfully (or not) had free booze) I got to go to the Dim Mak weekly at the Vanguard VIP room. (Ooooh, VIP...) Drunk Groupie was at her drunkiest. Gotta love Steve Aoki for his boundless energy and ability to put up with wasted starfuckers. I finally got meet Benji Madden after missing everything else he did in LA this week. Very good vibe coming from him, but he was a little reserved. Thankfully Steve introduced us because by the time Benji arrived I was on my 4th or 5th drink. Okay, point being I am lame and my plan to tell Mr. Madden that Trent Reznor is never going to work with him failed miserably. People that don't drink are so intimidating! Damn those sober fuckers! Plus, I guess I have a soft spot for chubby, tattoed rock stars who wear eyeliner and Misfits shirts, even if they do play horrible pop punk.

So I said my goodbye to Benji and we went out side to find a $45 ticket on Bunny's which, for some reason, I agreed to pay even though I was visibly drunk and wasn't responsible for reading the parking signs. I guess we better hope my car makes it Vegas and back cause there goes the rental car money...

Onward we went to some really unfortunate gallery in which Steve was meeting up with his partner in crime, Franki Chan, who had already been there spinning. The thing was really terrible and by the time we got there I was buzzing from the diet pill I took and I was annoyed with the ticket and annoyed I couldn't chat up Benji some more.

Boo! It was a fun night, it just sounds so lame on paper!

Tune in again for next week's blog when I get to party with Interpol in Vegas for my birthday!


Blogger MSK said...

who am i to argue with a drunk broad who wants to cover my parking ticket?

reason we got the ticket in the first place was cause you are a drunk groupie and insisted we go to the vanguard instead of chinatown galleries. so there.

8:42 PM  

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